It all starts with that bump...Maternity Sessions

It all begins with that bump, well, it doesn’t exactly begin with the bump but you know what I mean.  The time before the baby arrives is mixed with joy, excitement, panic, fear and all sorts of other emotions. Not to mention all the things that have to get done! But what is so special about this brief period between finding out you are pregnant and bring the baby home is that you have this amazing window of nine months that you and your partner get to share together, alone, before the baby takes over your lives.  

So many couples choose to embrace and celebrate this special time with a maternity session. Something they can call their own and share with their child in the years that follow.  

“Look at this image, who’s that in mommy’s tummy?  It’s you!”

One question I get asked a lot is “What should we bring to wear?”  I always advise that women bring a few things from home that make them feel comfortable and beautiful.  That’s a great place to start.

The Studio also has an every growing collection of fashion maternity dresses, vintage slips, fabrics and accessories which everyone is welcome to use during the session.  I thought I’d share a few of the options we have here at Spector Photography to help you get an idea of what is possible. 

As for your guys… I do recommend simple and solid.  The style really depends on you.  T-shirts (we have some at the studio) and button downs (please no patterns or strong colors) work best and sometimes we can convince your guys to take his top off (it’s not for everyone though).

Think about the type of session you want; sexy, arty, something you can show to grandma, sophisticated, elegant, natural, simple… the possibilities are endless and I do aim to create a few different ‘moods’ though out the session so you have a variety of options when making your final product selection.

I hope this helps generate ideas and as always, don’t hesitate to call or get in touch with questions.  We work together to make your maternity session as perfect as that beautiful bump you have!